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Thoughts & Inspiration

Hey guys, here is a quick “about me” and why I am going on the World Race!

            I go by Jack, Jackson, Jackie, Jackio, Juska, or whatever inspires ya! I have spent most of my life living in Maryland and NJ and I am addicted to the ocean! I am just about to finish up college at Webb Institute… you probably never heard of it, lol, but if you have, hit me up! I love my family and friends! My life was always (still is) filled to the max with people, I love pretty much all people (I know it sounds like an exaggeration, lol, but my family will confirm)! My mom and dad made it a huge priority that I understand and experience the love and connection possible with family… I could not be more thankful for this. God inspired my personal, life mission statement “Spread Love, Spread Joy, Be Real.”

            Since I will be finishing college this spring, it seems as if I have a world of opportunities; it is a great feeling. After thinking about it for the past two years, I realize there was only one truly right option for this next year: live on mission for Jesus, my number one value in life. I have had many doubts about whether or not I should do this (especially with the way the world is now) and I have gotten a lot of conflicting thoughts from many people. After much thought and looking at the big picture, there is no doubt this is the right decision, and the flow of life could not have fell into place better (that’s God! Haha). If anyone wants to talk to me more about this decision please reach out, I really appreciate any thoughts and advice (from anyone)!

Lastly, I have four main goals for my time on the World Race.

  1. Deepen my relationship with Jesus more than I thought possible.
  2. Establish close and powerful relationships with all people.
  3. Gain and Give the experience of living life with only love (everyone & every day).
  4. Plan ahead… This year is, for me, all about learning how to live every moment of the rest of my life. I want to devote my life, time, education, money, etc. to helping people. I will spend all of my energy this year understanding the struggles people face and problem-solving ways that I can help (immediately and long after the race has ended).

24 responses to “About Me”

  1. We are so thrilled for you to take this adventure and to make this world a better place. What an incredible Journey. Be safe! We love you, Steve, Alison, Sydney, Ella, Alexa and Lily.

  2. What a wonderful opportunity. I look forward to watching your travels. Soak it all up, stay safe, godspeed!

  3. Jack, You will have a great year and you will make the world a better place. I look forward to your future blogs.

  4. We are so proud of you Jack! What an impact you will continue to make on the world.
    Looking forward to seeing Webb and your graduation. We love you!

  5. I know I’m the uncle but I’ll say it anyway, Jackie is the greatest. And this will be a great adventure.

  6. Go set the world on fire! I love your passion and boldness for Jesus. Share that with as many people as you can.

  7. Jack your amazing! We know you will do wonderful things! We love you.

  8. Jack, you are one of the most faithful and genuine Christians I have ever had the privilege to know. There is no doubt that you will make a positive contribution to each and ever person you encounter on this mission trip. You are an inspiration, and my hope for you is that this experience will surpass your expectations tenfold. Congratulations on completing your education at the Webb Institute. Safe journeys in the months ahead. I’ll keep you in my prayers, and look forward to following your blog.