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I’ve found preparation to be so important for successful mission trips. Here’s a quick update on my summer prep! It is all starting to feel real!


Preparation comes in both physical and mental form.


Physical prep:

These past three weeks after finishing up school have gone so fast. I’ve gathered gear (tent, pack, sleeping bag, water filter, etc.), I’ve spent a few hours with the travel doctor, and Most importantly, I am trying to spend time with friends and family before I leave. I am currently on my way to the week long training camp where our team all gets to meet each other in person and the world race organization will prep us for the upcoming year.

After Training camp I have 3 more weeks to see people, finish with vaccines, and solidify gear. I will be launching August 6, first for Guatemala!!!


Mental prep:

This can be hard and very personal. Some people skip over it because it can be very emotional but its personally one of my favorites and I think its super important. 


A mission trip presents a large opportunity for learning and growth. I hope and expect to be a much different and much better person and follower of Jesus after this trip.


The first step to take in effective ministry to the poor and relationship building (this applies to everyone) is repentance. Repentance of pride and repentance of a material understanding of the world. Its important to accept and we need to embrace that we are all broken. Thankfully, Jesus can bringing healing to you, to me, to all the world. He can change the lives of poor people… poor people including all of us. Try reflecting on that for a little while 🙂 Its so good, we just have to commit to repentance.


Repentance: “To repent means to be convinced of another way, to change your mind or convictions. And in response to being convinced in your mind and heart, changing your actions. Repentance means turning from going your own way to going God’s way.”


I am so excited for this next week at the training camp- will send an update once I get back! lots of love- Jackson


By the way, I’m reading a book called When Helping Hurts: Alleviating Poverty Without Hurting the Poor. . . and Yourself. Honestly, I highly recommend this book to anyone who likes helping anyone in any way at any point in life. Here is a short video that addresses concepts in the book:

5 responses to “Preparation”

  1. Awesome write up Jack…super stoked for you man. You’re going to do great work out there and touch lots of lives just like you do anywhere you go.

  2. Jack,
    We are beyond proud of you! Wishing you safe travels, good health, and for your love and dedication to Jesus to be felt by everyone you meet! God Bless!!
    Love, The Sahady’s

  3. We met briefly at the tivity. I am a friend of Ryan’s family and I’m looking forward to following your adventures. This should be an absolutely fantastic trip and I hope you find it very fulfilling and rewarding

  4. I talk my text and frequently push send before proofreading. Of course that is Nativity.